How AI is Transforming Corporate Recruitment: Strategies and Implications

The rapid integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in various sectors is undeniable, and corporate recruitment is no exception. AI’s emergence in this field is revolutionizing the way companies approach hiring, making processes more efficient while also posing new challenges and ethical considerations. This article delves into the ways AI is reshaping recruitment, outlines key strategies employed by companies, and discusses the broader implications of this technological shift.

Enhancing Efficiency in Recruitment

One of the most significant impacts of AI in recruitment is the increase in efficiency it brings to the hiring process. AI-powered tools can automate repetitive tasks such as sorting through resumes and scheduling interviews, which traditionally consume a considerable amount of a recruiter’s time. For instance, AI systems can quickly analyze thousands of resumes to identify candidates whose skills and experience match specific job requirements, significantly speeding up the initial screening process.

Improved Candidate Matching

AI doesn’t just streamline processes; it also improves the quality of candidate-job matching. By leveraging natural language processing and machine learning, AI tools can understand nuances in job descriptions and candidate resumes. This capability enables them to make more accurate matches than traditional keyword-based screening software. As a result, companies are more likely to interview candidates who are better fits for the role, thereby increasing the likelihood of a successful hire.

Reducing Bias and Promoting Diversity

Another key advantage of using AI in recruitment is its potential to reduce human bias. Traditional recruitment processes are often susceptible to unconscious biases that can influence hiring decisions. AI, when properly designed and trained, can make judgments based solely on the merits of candidates’ qualifications and experiences, disregarding factors like race, gender, and age. This objectivity can help companies build more diverse and inclusive workplaces, which have been shown to be more innovative and effective.

AI in Recruitment Strategies

Companies that successfully integrate AI into their recruitment processes often follow several key strategies. These include:

  • Training AI with Diverse Data: To ensure AI systems perform effectively and without bias, it is crucial to train them with a diverse set of data. This involves including resumes and job descriptions from various industries, backgrounds, and demographic groups.
  • Combining Human and Machine Strengths: While AI can handle many tasks, the human touch is still vital, especially in making final hiring decisions and managing complex interpersonal interactions. Successful strategies often involve using AI for preliminary tasks while reserving more subjective judgments for human recruiters.
  • Continuous Monitoring and Updating: AI systems are not set-and-forget tools. They require ongoing monitoring to ensure they remain accurate and fair over time. Companies must regularly update their AI models to adapt to new trends and changes in the job market.

Ethical and Privacy Considerations

The use of AI in recruitment also raises important ethical and privacy concerns. For example, if not properly managed, AI systems can perpetuate existing biases or develop new forms of bias if they are trained on flawed data. Additionally, the collection and analysis of large amounts of personal data by AI systems pose significant privacy risks. Companies must address these concerns transparently, ensuring they comply with legal standards and ethical best practices.

The Future of AI in Recruitment

Looking ahead, AI is set to become even more integral to recruitment. Advancements in AI technologies promise more sophisticated analysis and understanding of candidate data, potentially transforming every aspect of recruitment from sourcing to onboarding. However, as AI capabilities grow, so too does the responsibility on companies to use these tools wisely and ethically.


AI is undeniably transforming corporate recruitment, offering remarkable benefits like enhanced efficiency, improved candidate matching, and the potential for reduced biases. However, these advantages come with the need for careful implementation, constant monitoring, and a commitment to ethical practices. By embracing AI responsibly, companies can not only improve their recruitment processes but also set a standard for innovation and fairness in the era of intelligent technology.

Top Challenges for Talent Acquisition Professionals

Talent acquisition professionals are responsible for finding, attracting, and retaining top talent for their organizations. In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape, talent acquisition professionals face numerous challenges that make their job more difficult than ever before. In this essay, we will discuss the challenges faced by talent acquisition professionals and suggest some strategies to overcome them.

Competition for Top Talent

One of the biggest challenges that talent acquisition professionals face is the competition for top talent. As the job market becomes increasingly competitive, it is becoming more and more difficult to find qualified candidates who have the skills and experience necessary to fill open positions. To address this challenge, talent acquisition professionals must be creative and proactive in their recruitment efforts. They may need to consider alternative sources of talent, such as recruiting from non-traditional fields or targeting passive candidates who are not actively seeking new job opportunities.

Keeping Up with New Recruitment Technologies and Strategies

Another challenge facing talent acquisition professionals is the need to stay up-to-date with new recruitment technologies and strategies. With the rapid pace of technological change, it can be challenging to keep up with new trends and tools. Talent acquisition professionals must stay informed about new recruitment technologies, such as artificial intelligence, chatbots, and social media, and be willing to adopt new strategies that will help them attract top talent.

Navigating the Complexities of a Diverse and Global Workforce

In addition to the challenges of competition and technology, talent acquisition professionals must also navigate the complexities of a diverse and global workforce. With an increasingly diverse workforce, talent acquisition professionals must be able to attract and retain candidates from different backgrounds and cultures. This requires a deep understanding of the needs and preferences of different groups and a willingness to adapt recruitment strategies to meet their needs.

The Impact of Covid-19 on Talent Acquisition

One of the most significant challenges facing talent acquisition professionals today is the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has fundamentally changed the way that organizations recruit and retain top talent. With remote work becoming more prevalent, talent acquisition professionals must adapt their recruitment strategies to attract candidates who are comfortable working from home. They must also be mindful of the mental health and wellbeing of candidates and employees, as the pandemic has taken a toll on many individuals’ mental health.

To overcome these challenges, talent acquisition professionals must take a proactive and strategic approach to recruitment. They must develop a deep understanding of their organization’s culture, values, and strategic objectives, as well as the needs and preferences of the talent they are looking to attract. They must also be willing to invest in training and development to keep up with new technologies and trends.

A trend that began during Covid-19 and is here to stay is integrating a virtual hiring event platform like Premier Virtual as part of your hiring strategy. Many job seekers don’t have the time to search for jobs, and then attend in-person interviews. A virtual hiring event makes it easy to attend and explore available opportunities, and is a great way for talent acquisition professionals to effectively vet the best candidates. Another advantage to virtual is the ability to reach the passive job seeker, that is most likely employed and prefers virtual options to gauge interest in a new career move before applying for the position.

Creating a Strong Employer Brand

Another strategy that can help talent acquisition professionals attract top talent is to create a strong employer brand. A strong employer brand can help an organization stand out in a crowded job market and attract candidates who share its values and culture. Talent acquisition professionals can build a strong employer brand by developing a clear and compelling messaging strategy, building relationships with top candidates, and creating an engaging and positive candidate experience.

The ability to collect and analyze data can significantly help talent acquisition professionals overcome recruitment challenges. The data shows the effectiveness of different recruitment strategies, and talent acquisition professionals can identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions that will improve their recruitment efforts. They can also use data to identify potential talent pools and target their recruitment efforts more effectively.

In conclusion, talent acquisition professionals face numerous challenges in today’s fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape. They must navigate the complexities of a diverse and global workforce, stay up-to-date with new recruitment technologies and strategies, and adapt to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. To overcome these challenges, talent acquisition professionals must take a proactive and strategic approach to recruitment, building strong employer brands, and using data to inform their recruitment strategies. By adopting these strategies, talent acquisition professionals can attract top talent and help their organizations succeed in the long term.

The Future of Hiring – Top Trends to Expect in 2023

As a top-rated virtual hiring event platform, we hear the challenges from the organizations and employers that host events on our platform every day.  


The future of hiring is expected to continue evolving and becoming increasingly digital and data-driven.  Here are some of the trends shaping the future of hiring:

Virtual and remote hiring– The trend of remote work will likely increase the demand for virtual hiring processes, including virtual interviews and assessments. 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) – AI will play a larger role in the hiring process, from resume screening to candidate matching and predictive analytics.

Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) – Companies will continue to prioritize DEI in their hiring processes, including using technology to address bias in recruitment and increasing outreach to diverse candidate pools.

Employee experience – The focus will shift from traditional HR practices to creating a positive employee experience, from the hiring process to onboarding and beyond.

Talent communities – Companies will create and engage with talent communities to build relationships with potential candidates, improving their ability to attract and retain top talent. 

Overall, the future of hiring will likely prioritize technology, flexibility and candidate experience in order to attract and retain top talent in a highly competitive job market. 

Let’s drill down to some of the top trends we see as 2023 kicks off.

Smart Hiring and Retention Challenges –  The ‘Great Resignation’ spurred on by Covid might be behind us, but workers continue to leave the workforce in larger than expected numbers.  October of 2022 saw 4 million Americans quit their jobs, which left 10.3 million open positions.  The gap between available jobs and available workers continues to grow, meaning retention is the best strategy to avoid the competition for new hires. 

Limiting turnover has become more important than ever.  The days of ‘letting an employee go’ because so many others were ready to fill that role are gone.  Creating a workplace culture that builds trust and helps employees grow in their careers has always been a smart strategy, but now it has become a necessity.

No matter how much you limit turnover, adding new employees will always be part of a growing company’s needs.  Smart hiring includes tactics that are non-traditional like hosting virtual career fairs, and virtual hiring events. These events open your organization to anyone who is interested, and not limit yourself to a pool of candidates in your area.   Virtual hiring events became mainstream during the pandemic and now, nearly 80% of recruiters prefer virtual to in-person.  The same can be said for busy job candidates who most likely have a full-time job but are weighing their options and can more-readily attend a virtual event.  Make sure you have a virtual hiring event platform as part of your hiring strategy to attract and hire the best talent possible.

The Need for Flexibility – another Covid influenced dynamic is the new remote workforce.  Employers toyed with the idea of letting employees ‘work from home’, but it never took hold.  Post pandemic, it remains a very common and viable option as many workplaces have roles that are as productive and effective from home as in office.

The latest report shows that 48% of the workforce will continue to work remotely or in a hybrid fashion.  Being able to offer this type of work will be a great competitive advantage over the 52% of the workforce that requires workers to be in the office.  A great strategy is to support a remote or hybrid workplace now, so that you can attract the best available talent and be prepared in the event of another disruption.

Skill Gaps and Shortage of Talent – as difficult as finding the right hire already is, shortages in skills and talent are increasing the challenges.  Skills like construction and tech are having an extremely difficult time finding qualified candidates, and the pipeline is not filling up anytime soon.

The answer is internal training and dedicating resources for employee development and growth.  The days of finding skilled and experienced workers are few and far between.  Your best strategy is to hire based on the character traits and work ethic you are looking for and build on the employees skills by training them for your organization.  Offering this type of opportunity will create another strong competitive advantage over employers that do not offer this.

This ‘growth-mindset’ replaces the days of a person working in the same department their entire lives.  Give employees opportunities to learn, mentor, be mentored and apply their skills in other positions.  You may take an average employee and turn them into a star, simply by giving them the support to grow and find their best fit in the organization.

Employee Well-Being – along the lines of creating a great work culture is focusing on the well-being of employees.  The term ‘Quiet-Quitting’ relates directly to the pervasive attitude workers have that they are only going to give so much to their jobs.  This can be a larger problem in workplaces that don’t provide genuine support for their employee’s well-being. 

Make sure your employees know that you appreciate their effort and are vested in their personal well-being.  Flexible work schedules, childcare support, mental health support, physical and emotional well-being programs are all part of the mix.  The more you can invest in the employee’s well-being, the better they will feel about themselves, the company and the more likely they will want to stay with your company.  

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion or DEI – is not a trend, it is a way of the workforce that is here to stay, and rightly so.  Companies can no longer avoid the topic or force employees to adapt to a ‘my way or the highway’ mentality.  From the smallest companies to the largest corporations, those that embrace individuality will attract and hire the best available talent, since everyone wants to be accepted and appreciated.

This can’t be done without a concerted effort, taking time every day to communicate the company’s policy, to encourage team building events, to celebrate the diversity that exists within your organization.  If your attempts are seen as superficial, it will do more damage than good.  Make sure you have a sincere and consistent message, and that your employees know your company is there for them.

Greater use of Virtual, AI and Automation – technology is always evolving, and another product of the pandemic is how quickly employers and employees had to adjust and adapt to new technology.   Software like Zoom and Microsoft Teams is now an everyday event, and the best companies continue to evolve and add virtual platforms that improve communication, efficiency, productivity and workflows.

When it comes to hiring, virtual events have proven to be much more efficient and, in many ways, more effective than in-person events.  The new trend is moving towards hybrid events, that offer in-person and virtual access.  Clearly the employers that embrace and invest in the best technology and automation will have the best chance for success.  A virtual hiring event platform like Premier Virtual completely automates the follow-up process to be able to track hires from your events.  It’s innovation like this that separates the best from the rest and position your company to attract the best talent.

Holistic Digital Transformation – taking the last point one step further, building profiles of the ideal customer, worker, workflow and expected results will create a very clear picture of what they company stands for, and how they will deliver that to their customers.  A holistic approach will never lead to a fixed rigid business model, but rather one that can adapt to change, and creates value through different kinds of partnerships.

By approaching your business in this way, your employees have a greater sense of what is expected of them, and that makes it easier to define the kind of employees you need to keep that going.  When a company can support this transformation with digital tools, data and supporting infrastructure, the vision and mission will be pervasive, and the culture will attract and retain the best talent.

Transforming HR through Tech and Data – as we’ve touched on through AI and Virtual, HR needs to come out of the stone age and embrace today’s technology.  There are many excellent platforms that help in every phase of hiring, and many employers continue to resist and prefer to do things’ the old way’ or sticking with the status-quo.

When it comes to tech, companies are turning to cloud computing, virtual platforms, collaboration technologies, and digitization to improve HR operations and the employee experience, according to the Society for Human Resource Management.  Don’t wait until the right time because it will cost you another competent new hire. The time to upgrade your technology is now, at all costs!

The challenges in hiring will remain extremely high in 2023 due mostly to the labor shortage, but if you can work on getting ahead of these 8 trends, you will create a competitive advantage that can be the difference between meeting your staffing challenges, or not.

Attracting Remote Talent Using Virtual Hiring Events

Attracting Talent For Remote Work Using Virtual Hiring Events

Working remotely has quickly become one of the more desirable perks employers can offer to prospective employees.  It’s been estimated that by 2025, nearly 25% of the American workforce will be working remotely on a full-time basis.  That’s almost double the percentage of individuals that were full-time remote employees before the COVID pandemic.  Furthermore, as increasing numbers of corporations and organizations are turning to long-term hybrid or remote workplace models, employers will continue to compete for the top candidates in their industries.

Top 6 Qualities of the Best Remote Workers

While employers want to attract remote workers, that doesn’t include hiring just any remote worker.  Many employers saw cash flows suffering during the COVID-19 pandemic and can’t just hire any applicant off the street.  Therefore, it’s essential to attract the most productive remote candidates out there.  Along with industry-specific competencies and skills, there are 6 qualities that the top candidates for remote employment should have.  The most successful individuals will demonstrate these 6 skills:

  • accountability
  • critical thinking skills
  • eagerness to ask questions
  • interpersonal skills
  • self-confidence
  • strong written communication skills

The most talented candidates will go above and beyond whatever it takes to be successful in the virtual workplace. They will ensure that recruiters are impressed with their skill set. 

How Can Employers Appeal to Remote Workplace Candidates?

As an employer, you need to be prepared for the unique challenges of recruiting the type of remote employees you need.  First and most importantly, companies should already have a proven virtual recruiting and hiring process in place that continually measures and optimizes their effectiveness.  In addition to this, the strategies listed below can help you attract and recruit the highest-quality remote employees:

  • Ask for referrals and utilize other employees’ connections.
  • Invest in virtual career fairs and online hiring events.
  • Manage your online reputation by:
  • Posting company details and profiles on employment sites
  • Consider any reviews as helpful feedback
  • Understand that your brand can change
  • Offer candidates more competitive, non-traditional benefits.
  • Promote virtual career fairs and online hiring events.
  • Utilize job boards, social media platforms, and other media to post job openings.

Some individuals may be more vital remote employees to a company than others.  So, as an employer, you have to evaluate each candidate based on the job-specific skills and traits of the most productive remote workers. Plus, you need to develop unique strategies that will appeal to the best remote work candidates.  For more information, call Premier Virtual today at (561) 717-9717 and talk with our company representatives. We are here to help you get started virtually. 

Hosting National Hiring Events

If you’ve been posting on online job boards, screening candidates over Zoom, or starting up branding initiatives, it’s probably time to jump on board and host an online hiring event.  The best way to start is to promote a virtual career fair.  These events mimic in-person career fairs in experience but significantly exceed them by utilizing easy-to-navigate virtual environments.  So, if you’re ready to proceed and set up and host a national online hiring event, here 6 steps to follow:

  • Define your business goals – an online hiring event will provide the metrics you need if you’ve done the proper planning.  Before setting up your virtual event, you need to define the goals of your business so you can attract the candidates you want.
  • Choose a virtual career fair platform – there are two types of virtual career fair platforms available on the market.  One is simpler and consists of a webpage that contains chat windows.  The other type is considerably more elaborate and mimics an in-person career fair.
  • Customize the virtual booth experience – one of the key benefits of virtual booths is that they provide a lot of flexibility for creativity.  You can experiment with different features such as the type of information about your company that you want to offer job candidates as well as branding, content, and engagement.
  • Promote your online hiring event – as with an in-person career fair, the biggest task or challenge is enticing the right candidates for the job.  So unless you don’t care about how many individuals show up, you need to promote your event every step of the way from the pre-event process to your post-event reports.
  • Monitor your performance metrics – you shouldn’t focus solely on setting up your hiring event.  You also need to be concerned about the results of your efforts.  These metrics can help you evaluate the features and type of content that were the most popular.  It will also tell you how many visitors you had overall. That helps you get more information on the event. 
  • Analyze the results of your event – you should analyze the following information:
    • booth and session traffic
      • chat room interactions
      • data from questionnaires, polls, or surveys
      • engagement and traffic metrics
      • number of actual attendees
      • number of applications that were uploaded
      • number of individuals who registered

    To host a successful online hiring event, your business goals should be the key and drive the event.  Our business representatives are here to clarify your doubts and provide you with more information about our services and ways we can be of assistance. To learn more about hosting a national online hiring event, call Premier Virtual at (561) 717-9717 today. 

    Hiring has Undergone a Fundamental Shift

    In fact, there has been more than one major shift in hiring in the past few years.

    1. The shift from in-person to virtual hiring

    First, the shift from in-person to virtual that was accelerated by the pandemic is here to stay.  It was already happening before the pandemic, but at that time, it was more of a ‘nice to have’ option, that quickly became a ‘must-have’ option due to social distancing.

    What we found out is that virtual hiring is more efficient, more effective and with the right platform, extremely easy to execute.  With Premier Virtual, the leading virtual hiring event platform, you can create your account, set up your event, and launch it all in a matter of minutes. Ideally, you want time to promote a virtual hiring event, but using the platform is not dependent only on hiring events.

    An all-in-one virtual hiring platform like Premier Virtual is always on, and always open for your potential job candidates.  You can leverage the platform 24/7 by creating virtual job boards, and virtual hiring rooms that never close.  This gives your team, and your applicants the flexibility to research your company, apply and meet your recruiters. 

    With the built-in two-way scheduler, candidates can schedule time on a recruiter’s calendar, and recruiters can also request an interview with candidates they feel are a good match.  Because the platform allows recruiters to search resumes, they can quickly find the talent they’re looking for. Recruiters can also view the video interviews that candidates can record as part of their profile to get a much better feel for the person, that you can’t get from reading a resume.

    Virtual hiring has also led to virtual work which has exploded since the pandemic.  Even with many companies insisting workers return to the office, the need and demand for virtual work remains.  We project that employers who embrace this, and lead with this, will be much better positions to find and retain the top talent that prefer this style of work, and flexibility it offers.

    We see national hiring events, that post positions with the description, ‘Anywhere, USA’ openings, or they group openings by time zones instead of specific office locations.  Again, the companies that are embracing this approach and making remote part of their culture, are winning the talent wars.

    • This shift to proactive hiring

    Hiring remains one of the most difficult things companies have to do in order to remain competitive.  The passive job market, although much larger than the active job market is often overlooked.  Most companies are marketing themselves only to active job seekers, but every worker is a potential employee, if they know about your company and what you have to offer.

    Strategies to consider that will keep your company in the hearts and minds of potential future employees include everything from being active in your community by supporting events and non-profits to creating a newsletter, blog or insightful podcasts.

    If you are a tech company, and host mixers or meet-ups that are open to the public, you can attract passive job seekers that find value in your network.  You may even create an in-formal networking group that helps its members connect and find meaningful work, even if it’s not at your company.  The value you offer will give your company a competitive edge when it does have a position that meets that candidate’s skills.

    Here again, virtual is a powerful tool since you can host virtual events and meet potential candidates.  Creating a pipeline of talent is crucial to stay ahead of the labor crunch.  A recent report shows hiring has slowed to 41 days on average, a number that was only 9 days in 2009.  The cost to hire is also averaging at around $4,425, according to SHRM and If you want to be able to hire the best talent in the least amount of time, a professional pipeline is crucial.

    We see that companies using virtual hiring events reducing time to hire to that 9–10-day period, which also comes with a dramatically reduced cost to hire, a win-win! 

    Have you made the shift?

    Is your company still hiring in-person, only looking to fill jobs at the office, and not building a qualified pipeline of potential candidates?

    If so, we can help you transition and leverage the tools available to make your company relevant in the job force and a place that is sought out, instead of the other way around.  Schedule a free demo today to see how the Premier Virtual, all-in-one recruitment platform can position your company for hiring success.

    5 Reasons Virtual is Transforming Talent Acquisition

    Job Boards do not Deliver the Same Results

    Ask any hiring manager or recruiter and they’ll all say, you no longer get the same results when you post an ad on Indeed or Zip Recruiter.  There are many factors including the great resignation and the shift in the workforce, but it goes beyond that.  Many job seekers and employers will use those platforms, but they don’t expect much in return.  It seems like a ‘necessary evil’ for both parties, but success stories are few and far between.  It’s hard to pinpoint the lack of success from job boards, but we see an overall lack of engagement and follow-through.  Either the ATS systems are kicking too many qualified candidates out, or job seekers are not taking the time to customize a resume and cover letter for each application they send in. Whatever the reason, it’s clear the entire hiring landscape has undergone a fundamental shift, away from job boards and towards virtual hiring events, and virtual hiring rooms.  These virtual job fairs allow job seekers to meet directly with hiring managers and recruiters, and get real time feedback resulting in faster hires.

    Ability to Host Hybrid Events (in-person and online)

    As the fundamental shift to virtual hiring events continues to accelerate, we also see the frequency of hybrid events increasing as well.  Why wouldn’t you want to be able to host an in-person hiring event, and collect all the data electronically at the same time.  That’s what a hybrid event lets you do.  Your attendees scan a QR code, and then upload their resume for easy access and follow-up.  No more handing out cards and collecting resumes that you have to bring back to your office and scan, instead everything is handled electronically.  This means you can print reports at the office with all the stats of the event, how many attended, interviewed, applied and more.  Turning in-person events into a wealth of data is now as easy as adding a virtual hiring platform to your event.

    24/7 Virtual Hiring Room

    The best platforms now offer virtual hiring rooms for 24/7 hiring access.  Why wait for a virtual hiring event when you can meet with qualified candidates any time of the day.  No need to meet in person, wasting time traveling and incurring additional expenses.  Virtual platforms have built in interview schedulers, that allow recruiters to hop into the virtual hiring room whenever it’s most convenient for the job seeker, increasing efficiency and effectiveness. 

    All-In-One Virtual Recruitment Suite

    The most sophisticated of virtual hiring platforms can be used as your complete recruitment tool.  They now can host events, interview days, workshops, open houses, training, and more.  Gone are the days of using them just for hosting hiring events.  Add to it the integration with ATS systems, using an Open API, and all the data is easily transferred and stored in your tracking programs for easy access and follow up.

    Analytics and Reporting

    When you add a virtual platform you can access a great deal of data that was not previously available.  The Premier Virtual platform collects over 58 different data points, resulting in detailed reports containing hyper-detailed information of the entire event, from the day it’s set up, through the follow-up period after the event. (see chart). The reports and easy to access dashboard and integration with ATS is what most users of virtual hiring platforms state as the most powerful feature.  It allows successful hiring managers to see everything at a glance, and the ability to drill down to find information that can help with marketing future events, that is so crucial to find the best possible candidate for your company.

    For more information, or to schedule a demo visit today.

    Recruiting Strategies for Sourcing Talent on Global Scale

    The global labor force provides employers with a number of benefits such as access to a larger candidate audience and options for hiring remote employees at competitive wages.  However, it isn’t without its challenges.  For instance, today that employers target has changed dramatically.  The world is your platform and tapping into the talent of the global workforce becomes important.

    So, it stands to reason that recruitment strategies must be improved as well.  There are 3 ways to ensure that you source the right candidates from the right talent pool:

    • Be sure you target the right talent pool – the old “throw something against the wall until it sticks” mentality is not going to work when it comes to recruiting the best talent.  Acquiring the best talent requires finding the right audience or talent pool.  It may be the job boards for some employers while others might use social media platforms.  If you do use social media, make sure that you’ve optimized your recruitment strategy based on your preferred target audience.
    • Sell candidates on your company’s mission and vision – unless you have the time to waste trying to outbid other companies in wage warfare, the best plan of attack is selling your company’s mission and vision.  Whenever you interview a candidate, be sure to promote your corporate dream in hopes of finding the right one for the job.  Employer branding is a very effective recruitment tool and will help you communicate your company mission and vision to the candidates you attract, especially if they’re a good fit for your organization. Using our platform allows employers to host a ‘meet and greet’, or workshop to allow job seekers to get to know your organization more intimately before they apply for the position.
    • The best strategy for sourcing job candidates is to involve a team in the hiring process – although an HR individual will make the final hiring decision, teams can help trimming the number of candidates down to the top 3, 4, or 5 individuals.  Remember, each of those team members took the same journey before you hired them.  Thus, they will likely find talented candidates for your company in the process. Offering your team virtual access to pre-screen candidates through the platform is another efficient advantage that reduces time and cost to hire.

    These candidates could be contacts they met at the same previous job or fellow employees from that job.  They might even have been college roommates at one time.  The key is to create an environment where you can encourage team members to make hiring recommendations as well as one that pays attention to employee referrals.  In so doing, you’ll help the team grow and increase its unity.

    If you’re tired of jumping from one virtual recruitment platform to another and are looking for a more cost-effective, efficient means for targeting the best talent, Premier Virtual has the software you’re searching for. Call us today at (561) 717-9717.

    How Does Zoom Differ from a Virtual Event Platform?

    As businesses and corporations in ever-increasing numbers turn towards utilizing online meetings and virtual hiring events to save effort, money, and time, it may be difficult to understand how certain events and platform functionality differ.  This is especially true when you need to deliver a great hiring event experience to your target audience.

    What is Zoom Video Conferencing?

    Video conferencing, as offered by a company like Zoom is a straightforward meeting format that offers video participation for those in the meeting.  It’s similar to a video call that you can make on your smartphone, but it includes other features such as recording and transcription capabilities.  Video conferencing tools typically refer to such elements as:

    • permissions and settings designed to limit participation as well as who can be heard
    • screen sharing
    • virtual whiteboards

    This works effectively for remote office meetings and smaller conferences.  However, when it comes to hosting or sponsoring a virtual event such as a conference, online class, or webinar (web seminar) you’ll need to invest in a virtual event platform.

    What is a Virtual Event Platform?

    Virtual event platforms, like Premier Virtual are online spaces where conferences, hiring events, and other types of conferences can be held or hosted.  Granted, there are dozens of virtual event platforms available today.  However, it’s important to understand that no two are alike.  Nor is every platform suited for every type of event.  This is because some of them lack basic functionality such as break-out rooms for large-scale events.

    Virtual event platforms are designed to provide digital events that your target audience would expect in an in-person trade show.  If you’ve been searching for a way to deliver a memorable industry event without spending the effort, money, and time involved with an in-person event, find a virtual platform that best facilitates your needs.  You’ll want one that is secure and readily accessible for you and your attendees. That is why it is important to have the right platform.

    The Key Differences

    If you aren’t sure when you should utilize virtual event platforms, here are the 5 most important differences between them and video conferencing:

    • video conferencing is integrated into virtual event platforms and enables you to use the integrated tools you specifically need
    • virtual event platforms are capable of handling the most complex agendas
    • virtual event platforms are in-person meeting simulations
    • virtual event platforms utilize automation and registration to help you understand who is attending your event
    • virtual event platforms were designed to accommodate larger audiences

    To learn more about our virtual event platforms, please call Premier Virtual today at (561) 717-9717 for additional information.

    Engagement & Marketing Tools for Virtual Hiring Events

    About this webinar

    The Engagement & Marketing Tools for Virtual Hiring Events webinar will be hosted by Premier Virtual CEO, Steve Edwards.

    He will be joined by a group of panelists to discuss how to attract and engage the most qualified candidates for your virtual and hybrid hiring events.

    Joining us will be Todd Goldstein and Abby Strauss of TopResume, a Talent Inc. company, the world’s premier resume-writing service, analyzing millions of resumes and LinkedIn profiles each year. TopResume has partnered with Premier Virtual the leading virtual event software platform to provide its clients and their event attendees with access to a complimentary resume review.

    Learn more about this engagement tool and how event attendees will also have the opportunity to upgrade this complimentary resume review service and work directly with a professional writer and industry expert to redefine their personal brand and stand out from the crowd during the job-search process.

    We will be updated our list of recruitment marketing firms that will provide you with actionable items to attract the right candidates for your open positions. These tactics continue to evolve, and if you’re not implementing the most effective ones you could be wasting a lot of time and money.

    We hope to see you here on Tuesday, May 24th starting at 2pm.

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