Featured Employer of the Week!

If you’re hiring, here is a great opportunity to participate in our new program.  Each week, we’ll choose one employer to host an interview day on our platform for free!

Host Your Own Virtual Interview Day

Premier Virtual - Featured Employer of the Week program
Premier Virtual - Featured Employer of the Week


  • Fill out the form below 
  • A representative will contact you to schedule a short demo
  • Once qualified, you can choose an available virtual interview day
  • Our Success Manager will schedule a training for your hiring team
  • Post the link to your virtual interview day on your website, social media posts and press releases
  • Get ready to host your own virtual interview day!
Your recruiters and talent acquisition team will have full access to the most advanced virtual hiring event platform in the industry. As a featured employer, you’ll have a virtual hiring booth for 2 hours so you can meet candidates, review resumes, chat and enter into video interviews.

You will also be able to download the reports after the event, including all the resumes uploaded during the interview day.  The best part is you can do all of this for no charge, and no obligation.

Submit the form below so you can get started today!

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Premier Virtual SSR Award

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Request a Demo

Thank you for your interest in Premier Virtual! We will be in touch with you shortly!