Masshire Healthcare Use Case

Masshire Healthcare Industry Virtual Job Fair

One of the most difficult industries to fill openings for is the healthcare industry.

Many providers are struggling to find experienced workers, as most of the industry is unable to keep up with demand and labor force shortages.

That’s why Masshire turned to Premier Virtual to host a healthcare industry specific event, a growing trend among workforce boards to host industry specific events.

18 healthcare employers in the Boston area listed over 1,600 job openings that have proven very difficult to fill.

They decided to participate in Masshires’ virtual healthcare industry specific hiring event that yielded very positive returns.



Workforce boards host hiring events that include all kinds of employers. These events attract potential job candidates that are looking for employment or new career opportunities.

Certain sectors of the labor force remain much more difficult to find and hire talent, such as healthcare. That’s why Masshire hosted a healthcare industry specific event, attracting experienced healthcare professionals. Below is a picture of the lobby with some of the participating employers.


Delivering resumes for some of the most difficult jobs to fill

Healthcare employers recognize the challenge of attracting and hiring talent in this industry, which is why a virtual job fair dedicated to healthcare was so appealing.

The feedback from employers was extremely positive and Masshire is scheduling more healthcare specific hiring events for 2023.

Below is a picture of the lobby for Boston Children’s Hospital.

To learn more about hosting industry specific events, please fill out the form to request a free demo.

Successful Workforce Solutions – Hiring Event Guide

Anyone that dedicates themselves to helping others find employment has recognized a fundamental shift in hiring.  Not only have many jobs permanently moved to remote, but most of the successful HR departments have made virtual hiring an integral part of their hiring strategy.  

What exactly does that mean?

It means that savvy HR departments understand that it’s best to be flexible and meet the most qualified candidates on their terms.  The days of scheduling an in-office interview to find out about a potential candidate are no longer a productive option for either party. 

Candidates want to apply online, and they want to meet online and determine if there is a mutual fit, before investing a lot of time and energy in an interview process.  Adding virtual accommodates these needs and makes the hiring process much more efficient.  

Helping your corporate partners and employers understand this might be one of the most crucial roles your workforce development organization plays in this new hiring environment.

We should know! 

After powering nearly 7,000 virtual hiring events, Premier Virtual has become the leading platform in the workforce solutions industry.

Our platform is dedicated to hosting hiring events, and we’ve built it with the experience our founder accumulated from hosting hiring events for nearly 9 years. The platform has also benefited from the feedback we receive from our clients.  We take every bit of that information very seriously, and developed many features and upgrades as a result of that.

The success our clients have experienced is no fluke.  In this guide we detail the most important steps we’ve seen our clients implement to achieve the best results, including:

  1. Be ‘Virtual Ready’
  2. How to leverage your virtual event platform
  3. Building Value
  4. Advance Interview Scheduling
  5. Platform Training
  6. Metrics and Analytics
  7. Future Focused

This guide also includes many different use cases, that we see our workforce clients doing across the nation.  They have leveraged the platform well beyond hosting hiring events, making it an all-in-one virtual recruitment suite. 

Download this guide to make sure your workforce board is getting the most out of your own virtual and hybrid hiring events and is prepared for the continual evolution in hiring.


Hiring has Undergone a Fundamental Shift

In fact, there has been more than one major shift in hiring in the past few years.

  1. The shift from in-person to virtual hiring

First, the shift from in-person to virtual that was accelerated by the pandemic is here to stay.  It was already happening before the pandemic, but at that time, it was more of a ‘nice to have’ option, that quickly became a ‘must-have’ option due to social distancing.

What we found out is that virtual hiring is more efficient, more effective and with the right platform, extremely easy to execute.  With Premier Virtual, the leading virtual hiring event platform, you can create your account, set up your event, and launch it all in a matter of minutes. Ideally, you want time to promote a virtual hiring event, but using the platform is not dependent only on hiring events.

An all-in-one virtual hiring platform like Premier Virtual is always on, and always open for your potential job candidates.  You can leverage the platform 24/7 by creating virtual job boards, and virtual hiring rooms that never close.  This gives your team, and your applicants the flexibility to research your company, apply and meet your recruiters. 

With the built-in two-way scheduler, candidates can schedule time on a recruiter’s calendar, and recruiters can also request an interview with candidates they feel are a good match.  Because the platform allows recruiters to search resumes, they can quickly find the talent they’re looking for. Recruiters can also view the video interviews that candidates can record as part of their profile to get a much better feel for the person, that you can’t get from reading a resume.

Virtual hiring has also led to virtual work which has exploded since the pandemic.  Even with many companies insisting workers return to the office, the need and demand for virtual work remains.  We project that employers who embrace this, and lead with this, will be much better positions to find and retain the top talent that prefer this style of work, and flexibility it offers.

We see national hiring events, that post positions with the description, ‘Anywhere, USA’ openings, or they group openings by time zones instead of specific office locations.  Again, the companies that are embracing this approach and making remote part of their culture, are winning the talent wars.

  • This shift to proactive hiring

Hiring remains one of the most difficult things companies have to do in order to remain competitive.  The passive job market, although much larger than the active job market is often overlooked.  Most companies are marketing themselves only to active job seekers, but every worker is a potential employee, if they know about your company and what you have to offer.

Strategies to consider that will keep your company in the hearts and minds of potential future employees include everything from being active in your community by supporting events and non-profits to creating a newsletter, blog or insightful podcasts.

If you are a tech company, and host mixers or meet-ups that are open to the public, you can attract passive job seekers that find value in your network.  You may even create an in-formal networking group that helps its members connect and find meaningful work, even if it’s not at your company.  The value you offer will give your company a competitive edge when it does have a position that meets that candidate’s skills.

Here again, virtual is a powerful tool since you can host virtual events and meet potential candidates.  Creating a pipeline of talent is crucial to stay ahead of the labor crunch.  A recent report shows hiring has slowed to 41 days on average, a number that was only 9 days in 2009.  The cost to hire is also averaging at around $4,425, according to SHRM and If you want to be able to hire the best talent in the least amount of time, a professional pipeline is crucial.

We see that companies using virtual hiring events reducing time to hire to that 9–10-day period, which also comes with a dramatically reduced cost to hire, a win-win! 

Have you made the shift?

Is your company still hiring in-person, only looking to fill jobs at the office, and not building a qualified pipeline of potential candidates?

If so, we can help you transition and leverage the tools available to make your company relevant in the job force and a place that is sought out, instead of the other way around.  Schedule a free demo today to see how the Premier Virtual, all-in-one recruitment platform can position your company for hiring success.

Awarded ‘Best Virtual Event Platform for 2022’

Looking at the post-pandemic world, virtual job fairs are the one thing that appears to be here to stay. Virtual job fairs give aspiring candidates an opportunity to learn more about a specific company or some particular career path from the comfort of their own home. Another advantage of these fairs is that they help candidates expand their knowledge about a profession, increase their professional network and connect directly with recruiters. 

Featured on the cover story of The Enterprise World’s Best Virtual Event Platform In 2022 is Premier Virtual, “Hiring Happens Here”.      

The Journey of Premier Virtual-

Steve Edwards, the CEO and Founder of Premier Virtual, hosted in-person job fairs for nearly nine years. But with online job boards  and an era of social media taking over, he realized that most job seekers preferred to apply online than waiting in lines. 

With this emerging trend he pivoted from in-person to virtual in 2019 and launched his own platform to host virtual hiring events. 

“Being a recruiter, I knew exactly the features required to make hiring easier, more efficient, and effective.”

Challenges and Victories- 

Steve Edwards boot-strapped the operations of Premier Virtual with his partner Gary Chambers. Software development is expensive and you are constantly making upgrades and changes.  In addition, there is new competition coming into the market every day.   Some of them are well funded and can advertise heavily.

However, Premier Virtual maintains its competitive advantage because of the advanced features and ease of use of the platform and its customer support which are superior in many ways. 

-Click to read full article on Enterprise World Magazine

How Trade Organizations add Value with Virtual Events

When anyone joins a trade organization or industry association, they do so for 2 reasons.

  1. Earn certification or degree that improves their chances for employment or higher wages
  2. To be part of a network that can help with employment

Anyone who manages new memberships will tell you that the second question, (after ‘how much does it cost), is ‘do you offer career services?’

Many savvy organizations have begun to offer more and more career services and are seeing the benefits. 

New potential members see that the organization is vested in their success and are going to be part of that support even after the member earns their certification.

Taking it one step further, associations are now recognizing the shift that has taken place in the recruitment industry and is ready to follow suit. That shift is hosting virtual hiring events, and that’s exactly what they are now offering their members and corporate sponsors.

It makes so much sense for an association with thousands of members to add such a vital service. 

After all, the reason they turned to you is to improve their resume and increase their potential for a good job. 

These virtual hiring events will help you connect those members with employers that are looking for them, a classic win-win.

Not only that, but members are a built-in audience that is highly engaged and much more likely to respond to and attend your events. The challenge with most virtual hiring event hosts is attracting enough participants to attend and making it a successful event. That is not an issue with associations since communication with members happens frequently and members perceive them as valuable.

Take AAPC for example. 

They have over 200,000 members and a recent update showed that 7,000 were looking for new employment. By hosting a virtual hiring event, they can invite all of the corporate sponsors to attend and post all of their job openings. Members can attend the event remotely from anywhere in the country and see what opportunities might be the best fit. Everything you can do at an in-person event can be done at a virtual event.

A New Income Stream

Employers recognize the tremendous value you are offering and will happily pay to be a part of it. 

Hiring qualified employees are the key to a successful organization and companies know that your events will attract exactly what they are looking for.

Offering booths and sponsorships, even if just for a few hundred dollars can easily turn into revenue in the tens of thousands of dollars. This new income stream can be used to add even more member services or improve other areas of the association that bring more value.

Another large organization we have seen leverage this service is TECNA and local tech chapters like South Florida Tech Hub. SFTH quickly pivoted to virtual events during the pandemic and has not looked back.

Being able to offer members this kind of service, especially during a lockdown is invaluable. This is another tremendous benefit to offering virtual hiring events, it offers the safe option in the event of another situation that makes meeting in person difficult or even impossible.

The benefits listed below are all great reasons to add virtual hiring events to your organization or association:

  1. Career Services – improve the odds your members will get the job they’re looking for
  2. Corporate Sponsors – add value by connecting members with employers with minimal costs
  3. New Revenue Stream – charging employers a small fee for a booth or sponsorship can quickly add up to a significant new source of income
  4. Competitive advantage over other organizations that do not offer virtual hiring events for their members

If you want to learn more about how your organization can host a virtual hiring event for its members, contact us to schedule a free demo.

Will Employees Return & What’s Behind Quiet Quitting?

The Great Resignation – Will Employees be Returning to the Office?

One of the key questions being asked in the business world today is “Will employees be returning to the office?” According to a recent Gallup poll, the majority of office workers across the US want to return to their jobs . . .  some of the time anyway.  The primary reasons for a partial return include collaborating and socializing with their co-workers as well as making important decisions alongside them.  However, this is only a part of the scenario as there is another side to this that many are neglecting to talk about.

Interestingly enough, some employees preferred the remote working life over returning to the office.  Many were upset because of how much they had enjoyed it and couldn’t figure out why, after nearly 2 years of working at home, they would have to return to the workplace.  Furthermore, individuals who were anxious about returning to their offices didn’t find the same situation that they left behind when they were forced to start working remotely.

Why Isn’t the Return to Office Life Working Out?

There are several reasons that the return back to the office place isn’t working.  For one, bosses and employees have different regarding how their offices should be used.  After two years of living with the pandemic and working remotely from home, individuals have developed their expectations as to how their time should be spent.  Unfortunately, as increasing numbers of individuals are returning to the workplace, their ability to focus, level of satisfaction on the job, and stress levels have deteriorated.

The Other Side of the Equation

With the onset of the pandemic, many office employees started working remotely from home.  In a sense, it was the beginning of a new era in the jobs sector.  Unfortunately, many of those remote workers opted not to return to their former employers and have sought employment elsewhere, thereby leaving holes to fill at their former workplace.  As an employer in these circumstances, you have to be concerned about replenishing your workforce and bringing your daily operations back up to speed.

What’s Behind ‘Quiet Quitting’

Returning to the office is one thing, but returning to the former level of effort and the ‘above and beyond’ mentality is something all together different.

This new work ethic is based upon a priority to life-balance and that work is not the end all, be all that it was once was seen as. It’s not something that a person declares or can be labeled as, but what everyone can agree on is that the term doesn’t mean that an employee has quit, but rather that they are setting boundaries at work and refusing to go above and beyond in completing their duties.

That seems healthy, and productive, but it’s not the same as the person who was just doing the bare minimum to keep the job. As we see in this article from CBS news:

“People see ‘quiet’ and ‘quitting’ and they think it’s about quitting, but really what quiet quitting means is someone who has decided, ‘I want to prioritize my well-being overall and things outside of work’,” Elise Freedman, senior client partner at consulting firm Korn Ferry, told CBS MoneyWatch.

But, she added, “This is different from someone who is disengaged.” Instead, it’s about doing what is required of them, without volunteering for an ambitious project, agreeing to work at nights and weekends, or otherwise going the extra mile in ways that Americans are traditionally encouraged to as a way to demonstrate their worth to an employer.

If you travel the world, it seems to me that America is simply growing up. The rat race had it’s time and place and now side hustles and self preservation have replaced it. If you’re going to ‘go all out’ it’s going to be for yourself and on your terms, otherwise I’ll do the best I can. Who knows, if we keep down this path, the afternoon siesta might be the next culture piece we adopt in America.

Premier Virtual has the answer – our online hiring platform or virtual recruitment platform.  These virtual event platforms and accompanying virtual job fair software were designed to look and feel as though you were attending a real live in-person career fair without all of the costs and hassles that would normally be involved.  To learn more about our products, call us today at (561) 717-9717.

One Solution to Your Virtual Hiring Needs

Do you remember the first time you got interviewed for a job? You probably acted and looked as professional as you could at that time but the stress of the interview was overwhelming and written all over your face, wasn’t it? Job recruiters see thousands of people just like you every year.  They’ll schedule numerous interviews and invest a lot of their time in the process but they still have a difficult time accommodating everyone interested in that one job. 

This equates to a huge waste of energy, resources, and time, all of which could’ve been avoided with the use of virtual hiring software and video interviewing platforms.  As it stands, virtual reality has revolutionized the job hiring process as well as our behavior and the way we live.  Today, increasing numbers of companies are using the best virtual event software and virtual event platforms to be more efficient and shorten the amount of time required to complete the interviewing and hiring process.

When you do a virtual event online, you can help target a higher audience. Premier Virtual provides the best virtual hiring platform and software that will enable companies and employers to recruit the best candidates in the following ways:

  • Our virtual career fair platform helps job candidates to see the role they’ll be playing in your company – from that point, the individual can determine if the job is suitable and facilitates their future career needs.
  • Our virtual event platforms will help you attract younger job candidates – with our virtual career fair platform, you’ll be able to attract the most qualified college graduates.
  • Our virtual hiring platform will help increase candidate engagement – by using our virtual hiring platform and software you’ll be able to a collaborative environment that engages the job candidate and explains the main goals of your business.
  • Our virtual recruiting event platform and software will enable you to show job applicants the types of projects they’ll be engaged in – it will test their abilities at making smart decisions and enable you to choose the best candidates in the process.
  • Our virtual recruitment platform enables job candidates to see your office – the interview process won’t provide a clear picture of your office culture and the surrounding environment.  Our virtual hiring platform and software will.

Virtual reality is now a key component in the career recruitment and hiring process.  For more information about our products and how they can facilitate your hiring needs, call Premier Virtual at (561) 717-9717 today.  

Hybrid Hiring Events Are a Great Option As COVID Returns

As our lives were held hostage by the pandemic, many of our traditional habits were no longer sustainable.  We embraced the concept of working remotely while at the same time letting go of traditional activities such as commuting to work, dining out, teaching in classrooms, weekend getaways, and working out at the gym.  Over the past couple of years, businesses were forced to make significant adjustments and learn how to be comfortable with virtual event platforms and virtual hiring software.

What is Hybrid Recruiting and Why Does it Work?

The combination of in-person recruiting practices with the use of a virtual recruitment platform is commonly referred to as hybrid recruitment.  The concept involves a strategy for acquiring talent that yields the most significant results compared to how the in-person and virtual practices do separately.  Hybridization works because of 3 key factors – 1) it allows people to move forward so they can achieve their goals, 2) it enables increased flexibility in the hiring process, and 3) it reduces the risk of exposure to the virus.

Unique Hybrid QR Code

The Premier Virtual platform takes hybrid events to the next level by generating a unique QR code for each booth at the event. The QR code is printed and placed in front of the booth, which allows candidates to scan it and access all of the employers information virtually. Instead of standing in a long line, they can quickly view the open positions and submit their resume to apply. While the candidate can still meet with the recruiter in person, they can also move on to the next opportunity and come back when there are less people on line. In addition, the recruiters now have all of the candidates information stores electronically for easy follow-up.

Furthermore, hybrid recruitment practices arose out of the need for alternate talent acquisition methods because of adapting to working remotely and canceling in-person activities.  Upon further consideration, business owners and recruiters discovered the many benefits of hybrid recruiting.  As a result, an overwhelming 81% of talent recruiters agree that recruiting job candidates through the use of in-person interviews and video interviewing platforms will continue post-pandemic and may become the new standard. It has helped access more people living in other cities and countries without the additional cost of relocating them.

The 6 Benefits of Hybrid Hiring Events

Essentially, headhunting takes a proactive approach whereas traditional recruiting is reactive.  Because of the following benefits considering the hybrid recruiting approach is well worth it:

  • It enables recruiters to broaden their approach by creating a solution to their hiring needs and reaching a larger target audience of candidates.
  • It creates a way for companies to gather all of the in-person activity digitally, for easy access and future follow-up.
  • It gives job-seekers that are apprehensive about in-person events and opportunity to participate and apply for jobs they might have otherwise not been able to.
  • It finds individuals that are a better fit for companies and are more likely to remain with them over the long term
  • It emphasizes the needs and requirements of your business
  • It provides business owners and employers access to a high-quality talent pool.
  • It provides more strategic insight into the needs of the business and the role the candidate would be playing if hired
  • It reaches a global target audience of job candidates.

The hybrid approach to recruiting and hiring enables employers to conduct a more comprehensive search for the right talent.  For more information about the best virtual event platforms, call Premier Virtual at (561) 717-9717 today.

5 Reasons Virtual is Transforming Talent Acquisition

Job Boards do not Deliver the Same Results

Ask any hiring manager or recruiter and they’ll all say, you no longer get the same results when you post an ad on Indeed or Zip Recruiter.  There are many factors including the great resignation and the shift in the workforce, but it goes beyond that.  Many job seekers and employers will use those platforms, but they don’t expect much in return.  It seems like a ‘necessary evil’ for both parties, but success stories are few and far between.  It’s hard to pinpoint the lack of success from job boards, but we see an overall lack of engagement and follow-through.  Either the ATS systems are kicking too many qualified candidates out, or job seekers are not taking the time to customize a resume and cover letter for each application they send in. Whatever the reason, it’s clear the entire hiring landscape has undergone a fundamental shift, away from job boards and towards virtual hiring events, and virtual hiring rooms.  These virtual job fairs allow job seekers to meet directly with hiring managers and recruiters, and get real time feedback resulting in faster hires.

Ability to Host Hybrid Events (in-person and online)

As the fundamental shift to virtual hiring events continues to accelerate, we also see the frequency of hybrid events increasing as well.  Why wouldn’t you want to be able to host an in-person hiring event, and collect all the data electronically at the same time.  That’s what a hybrid event lets you do.  Your attendees scan a QR code, and then upload their resume for easy access and follow-up.  No more handing out cards and collecting resumes that you have to bring back to your office and scan, instead everything is handled electronically.  This means you can print reports at the office with all the stats of the event, how many attended, interviewed, applied and more.  Turning in-person events into a wealth of data is now as easy as adding a virtual hiring platform to your event.

24/7 Virtual Hiring Room

The best platforms now offer virtual hiring rooms for 24/7 hiring access.  Why wait for a virtual hiring event when you can meet with qualified candidates any time of the day.  No need to meet in person, wasting time traveling and incurring additional expenses.  Virtual platforms have built in interview schedulers, that allow recruiters to hop into the virtual hiring room whenever it’s most convenient for the job seeker, increasing efficiency and effectiveness. 

All-In-One Virtual Recruitment Suite

The most sophisticated of virtual hiring platforms can be used as your complete recruitment tool.  They now can host events, interview days, workshops, open houses, training, and more.  Gone are the days of using them just for hosting hiring events.  Add to it the integration with ATS systems, using an Open API, and all the data is easily transferred and stored in your tracking programs for easy access and follow up.

Analytics and Reporting

When you add a virtual platform you can access a great deal of data that was not previously available.  The Premier Virtual platform collects over 58 different data points, resulting in detailed reports containing hyper-detailed information of the entire event, from the day it’s set up, through the follow-up period after the event. (see chart). The reports and easy to access dashboard and integration with ATS is what most users of virtual hiring platforms state as the most powerful feature.  It allows successful hiring managers to see everything at a glance, and the ability to drill down to find information that can help with marketing future events, that is so crucial to find the best possible candidate for your company.

For more information, or to schedule a demo visit today.

Recruiting Strategies for Sourcing Talent on Global Scale

The global labor force provides employers with a number of benefits such as access to a larger candidate audience and options for hiring remote employees at competitive wages.  However, it isn’t without its challenges.  For instance, today that employers target has changed dramatically.  The world is your platform and tapping into the talent of the global workforce becomes important.

So, it stands to reason that recruitment strategies must be improved as well.  There are 3 ways to ensure that you source the right candidates from the right talent pool:

  • Be sure you target the right talent pool – the old “throw something against the wall until it sticks” mentality is not going to work when it comes to recruiting the best talent.  Acquiring the best talent requires finding the right audience or talent pool.  It may be the job boards for some employers while others might use social media platforms.  If you do use social media, make sure that you’ve optimized your recruitment strategy based on your preferred target audience.
  • Sell candidates on your company’s mission and vision – unless you have the time to waste trying to outbid other companies in wage warfare, the best plan of attack is selling your company’s mission and vision.  Whenever you interview a candidate, be sure to promote your corporate dream in hopes of finding the right one for the job.  Employer branding is a very effective recruitment tool and will help you communicate your company mission and vision to the candidates you attract, especially if they’re a good fit for your organization. Using our platform allows employers to host a ‘meet and greet’, or workshop to allow job seekers to get to know your organization more intimately before they apply for the position.
  • The best strategy for sourcing job candidates is to involve a team in the hiring process – although an HR individual will make the final hiring decision, teams can help trimming the number of candidates down to the top 3, 4, or 5 individuals.  Remember, each of those team members took the same journey before you hired them.  Thus, they will likely find talented candidates for your company in the process. Offering your team virtual access to pre-screen candidates through the platform is another efficient advantage that reduces time and cost to hire.

These candidates could be contacts they met at the same previous job or fellow employees from that job.  They might even have been college roommates at one time.  The key is to create an environment where you can encourage team members to make hiring recommendations as well as one that pays attention to employee referrals.  In so doing, you’ll help the team grow and increase its unity.

If you’re tired of jumping from one virtual recruitment platform to another and are looking for a more cost-effective, efficient means for targeting the best talent, Premier Virtual has the software you’re searching for. Call us today at (561) 717-9717.

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