Where are all the workers, can remote work bring them back?

Workers are quitting their jobs in record numbers. As the economy rebounds and more jobs are available, the competition for those workers continues to increase.

What is your Human Resources department doing to get and stay in front of the hiring curve?

As a virtual hiring event platform, we’ve seen a massive difference in companies that have quickly pivoted and added virtual job fairs to their hiring strategy.

Not only is virtual hiring more efficient and effective, but it also provides an option that today’s workforce is demanding, and that option is flexibility.

Companies that host virtual hiring events show candidates that they are, first and foremost, more innovative than the competition. We’re not talking about a video interview on Zoom; we’re talking about an actual online job fair, where candidates get to learn more about the company, see all of the jobs available, and meet with their local recruiters.

Hiring virtually and offering remote positions shows that the company is setting a foundation for the future and not just reacting to the social distancing forced by the Pandemic.

The Pandemic proved that remote workforces are as much, if not more productive than the in-office culture, and workers don’t feel the need to rush back to the office. The reduction in commute time, travel and meal expenses, and less need for childcare are huge benefits that will make the difference when a candidate has those options.

As the workforce considers their options, it’s the flexibility they want most, even more than the typical benefits package that was once the lure to attract qualified workers. The work-life balance has never been more important than it is now, and virtual hiring and work have proven in many ways to increase that.

Employers competing for labor have raised wages, offered additional bonuses and added benefits. These measures are working, but when combined with the flexibility of meeting recruiters online and offering remote work, the results have been highly positive.

What plans do you have in place as the workplace demands continue to evolve?

If your company or organization is struggling to hire, it might be time to look at those key areas and see if you’re competitive.

  • Salary
  • Bonuses
  • Flexibility / Remote Hiring and Remote Work.

If you do not set your company up now for remote hiring and to facilitate a remote workforce, you may soon be obsolete.

Employers do not hold the cards anymore, the weight has shifted to the workforce, and the pendulum is not likely to come back anytime soon.

Before the Pandemic, this change was in the making, but the Pandemic accelerated the adoption rate by 3 to 5 years. If your company has embraced this change and pivoted to accommodate the virtual world we live in, it will be in a much better place to succeed moving forward.

If your company is fighting the change and believes it will all ‘return to normal’ be forewarned, you are making a mistake and you will continue to lose out to the competition on the most qualified candidates for your positions.

The time to go virtual is now; let us show you how.

Premier Virtual – ‘Hiring Happens Here!’

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