Is Your Workforce on Board?

Premier Virtual is the #1 virtual event platform in the workforce development industry.

Virtual Career Fairs have emerged as one of the best ways to hire over the past year and they’re here to stay.

Our virtual career fair platform is the best way for your workforce board to drive qualified candidates into your employers’ hiring pipeline while transcending geographic barriers.  Here is a growing list of boards that have signed licensing agreements with our platform:

State Level:

Massachusetts (17)

Virginia (17)

Tennessee (14)

Wisconsin (11)

Florida (24)


Texas (17)

California (18)

Ohio (5)

Colorado (2)

Maine (1 for three years)

Maryland (1)

Minnesota (Dakota County career force)

New York (1)

Utah (1)

Washington (1)

Not Career Centers:

New Jersey (Dept of Economic Development)

Job Training Centers:

N.Y – Schenectady Job Training Agency

Schedule a demo to see why Premier Virtual gives you more than any other virtual hiring event platform on the market!

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