Premier Virtual Hiring Event Platform, We Give You More!

Unlike our competition, the Premier Virtual hiring event platform was created by recruiters.  For nearly 9 years, Founder and CEO, Steve Edwards hosted in-person job fairs throughout the state of Florida.  In 2018, he saw the writing on the wall and knew that a shift in the market was coming.  Instead of waiting, Steve set out to create his own virtual event platform and poured everything he knew from in-person events into developing Premier Virtual.

The results are undeniable, with over 1,200 events, 15,000 hiring companies, and 150,000 job-seekers and counting, using the platform to connect.  As we start to look at what will happen post-covid, it’s clear that a company that offers virtual hiring events as part of their recruitment strategy will have a much better chance to succeed than those who don’t. That’s why our platform is essential, and that’s why we give you more!

We give you more than Brazen, XOR, vFairs, or any other virtual platform, and more is coming soon, as we get set to publish our 2.0 update.  You’ll have more flexibility, more quality time with job-seekers, more reliability than any other platform on the market, more efficiency, and more live, local support so that you can have the best possible hiring event.

Schedule a demo to see for yourself why we give you more, and why Premier Virtual is the best option for your virtual hiring events.

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